Monday, June 16, 2008

What In The World?

Living in the Land of Oz this year, I've been waiting for a tornado to drop out of the sky and swoop us away. So far, so good. Although the sirens have had quite a work out this spring! We are just very, very soggy at this time.

The past few months have been interesting... to me anyway. The empty nest 'thing' is pretty sweet! We can come and go when we want with no 'Mom!' from the distance. Well, it is from a distance. It is from Chicago. Blondie and Boyfriend are doing great in Chi Town and lovin' living downtown. Too expensive though on their salaries! Blondie did find a job in her field (finance) which is VERY GOOD NEWS!!! In fact, she and Boyfriend are coming in town this weekend to see us! I'M SO EXCITED I MIGHT WET MY PANTS! I miss her sooooo much!

The arms are better! I can type and photograph (taking workshops and out all the time). No handstands yet. Although, for the past two weeks I can do my own hair for the first time in a year!!! Dweeb is very excited, but I must say he can always fall back on hair styling if the doctor thing doesn't work out.

I don't get to 'play' with the triplets as much right now. Baby sis got a job with Little sis and they brought in an Au Pair from South Africa. She is really great and takes the kids everywhere! Just need to get used to her 'lingo'. Much of the time I'm asking "What does that mean?"

Dweeb is doing fab. The band is going to be renamed soon and they are better than ever. He is also in ANOTHER band named 'Abigail Murphy'. Obviously, the lead singer is Abigail and she writes her own music. Another direction with this band, but so fun.

Keeping SO busy with everything and hopefully will get back into the blogging on a more regular basis. Must bore you all with the pictures.

Catholic Mom, I hope you haven't floated away! It's a mess up there where you are! Worse than here. The worst of the weather has stayed just west of us.

OH YEAH! How 'bout those JAYHAWKS people!! I know you were thinking of me when they kicked a** in March! What a blast! I was so busy celebrating and dancing jigs, I failed to blog. Blondie and Boyfriend were in town for the big North Carolina game (kicking a** again!!!). Lawrence was insane! Sad part, our team is basically going to the NBA in a week or so. It was sweet winning with Danny Manning as assistant coach since he was the reason we won it 20 years ago.

ROCK-CHALK! I'll be back soon. I've added a slide show to give a taste of where I am all the time. I really need to blog more so I'm not always updating. Sheesh! how boring.

Miss all of you!


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back! Oh yeah! Thought of you often during BB this year. Trying to talk 17 into trying KU - a little tired of all the purple around here . . .

Glad to hear you are feeling better and look forward to your posts and your pictures!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I've missed you so!

Chief Peep said...

Actually, the Catholic Family and I haven't floated away! Our tree is another matter entirely. See my blog, it's ugly.

I've so missed you and think about you often as we get hit by these tumultuous waves of weather crap, for lack of a better word to describe it. But it sounds like all is well in your world, thank God for that. :)

Thanks for keeping us bloggers updated on your happenings. I'm always glad to hear the latest! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

You have impeccable timing with your return to Blog Land. You may want to take another trip to my place...

Anonymous said...

hey sue!--trying to catch up with your new and old blogs--you really have had a lot go down over the past 2 years! I've got a lot more reading to do! take care, toni

Mocha said...

Welcome back and YES I thought of you when the Jayhawks won! Seriously, I did.

So glad everyone is doing so well. When you're in Chicago give me a ring to see if we can have dinner or drinks, ok?

Malathionman said...

You know Tom Jones is cool. I bet he has some of your undies that you threw on stage, or was that a different Tom?

I think Kelly is asking you to pay for dinner. She is such a mooch.

White Hot Magik said...

Of course we thought of you when the jayhawks won. My husband was pretty ecstatic. While tornadoes do occasionally come down here, the year we lived in Lawrence those sirens freaked us out. We knew tornadoes mean business in that part of the country. Glad all is well.

Gully Girl said...

So good to hear from you! I sure hope you do blog more often, it would be a nice surprise! :)

Sounds like Blondie is doing great! I'm so happy to hear that.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back. I've really missed you. I thought of you during the NCAA tourney and again during all the storms. Hope to hear more from you soon!

Christine said...

So glad to see a post here from you. I have not stopped by in a while, so imagine my surprise when there was a post here! Hoping you are well.

Gully Girl said...

Hope your summer is going great!

deannie said...

Hi! I am just now catching up and am so glad you read you are photographing again and have survived the hump of adjusting to an 'empty nest'.

Really just wanted to hug you!