Tuesday, June 12, 2007

And another month passes....

Well, much has been going on around this place. A week ago I trekked back to Arkansas to load up DQ and Nadia and move them back home. It just didn't work out for her there. We are all trying to adjust to the changes around here now. Nadia is so frickin' adorable I can hardly stand it. I will be taking pics of her soon to post. I'm not sure what is in store now for DQ. Time will tell.

Top picture of myself with three of my sisters at Dweeb's latest gig. Lil Sis looks like she had a few before she got there. Baby Sis is next to me and the other sitting sister is the great artist of the family. The second picture, of course, the band. The third picture is just nice. Beautiful bloom from late May.

Dweeb is adjusting to so much time on his hands. His music has jumped to the top of the list. His band is playing quite a few gigs. Everyone loves them, so it's not just me! That is always good to know. Dweeb has been playing solo also. Needless to say, this keeps me running. Loading... unloading... making sure I'm present at every performance. Got to admit, it is fun! For those that live in the area, the band will be playing in downtown Overland Park next to the Farmer's Market Saturday, June 23rd from 10am until noon. That night they will be Spivey's on 87th Street. The bands name is 'Confusion' (rather fitting for this group). Come out if can!

Baby Sis and I have decided to make the leap with photography. The business cards have arrived and a website in the works for our business. It's pretty scary because I know how important photos, especially of babies and children, are to the parents and I don't want to screw that up! The website we are working on is nothing great, but it's a start. When we actually start making a profit, guess I'll have to give Catholic Mom a ring! The website for now is at ablesphotography.photosite.com You all can give me feedback on the pics. I will be adding more over the summer after I do the jobs scheduled so far.

Blondie is working full time this summer. First time having a real full time job is killing her. She has decided having a degree is good after working five days a week for next to nothing. One more semester and her degree will be in hand! Woo Hoo!

I screwed up my shoulder and not sure what is wrong. MRI showed nothing. Problem is being on the computer KILLS it. So I must now hit the heating pad. This is the month the big 5-0 hits and I'm feeling it!


deannie said...

Oh Sue, love your pictures. And I am could NOT be more excited for you! I can't believe the time has gone so fast since we first heard how Blondie was going to college to begin with..yee haw.


Gully Girl said...

Glad to hear things are going so well for you all!

Are DQ and Nadia living with you guys?

Have a great time with the photography. I'd love to get into something like that!

Anonymous said...

They grow up too gosh darn fast! Wow, life's just buzzing away in Jayhawk land. And I'm thrilled to hear about your new business venture. In looking at the website, you've got a great start. As always, I'd be happy to help my long-time heartland blog friend. :)

(Precious photos, btw!)

White Hot Magik said...

Wow, you sound busy! You promised picks of the baby, I will be back!

Christine said...

Loved the pictures on your business site. Of course, we in blogland have been spoiled by your beautiful photos for a long time. Sorry to hear about your shoulder...tell Dweeb to carry his own equipment! :-)


Aynde said...

YAY!! Welcome back! Can't wait to see baby pics!! *wink*

Anonymous said...

When Hubby hit the big 5-0 a few years ago, he had all kinds of medical problems. Hope that isn't what turning 50 has in store for you. Can't wait to see the pics of the newest member of the family. And I really wish I lived closer so that I could hear Dweeb's band . . .

Chris said...

Didn't I call it with your photos being just like the ones already in the frames? You're a natural, Sue! Congratulations on the new business venture! Just remember us when you go all Annie Liebowitz(sp). At least free passes into your gallery :)

Glad Dweeb is making good use of his extra time. Would love to come and hear him play. He's still on my zen.

Wish things were better for DQ. We'll be praying for her, Nadia and the rest of the clan.

Hearing from you made my day! Write when you can!

Anonymous said...


(I've been way absent too, so I shouldn't be talking, but it's true!)

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you and your pics...I am glad things are well with you.
I am looking forward to seeing your pics on your business website.

Malathionman said...

Don't women reach their sexual peak at 50?

Blu Jewel said...

congrats on the photography and Dweebs success with his music.

you know God works through all things and maybe having DQ and Nadia back home is a part of His plan.