It seems spring is trying to push it's way into the midwest, but winter just won't let go. Tonight the severe thunderstorms began. Tornado warnings have begun to the south and are headed our direction. They should arrive in the next hour or so. Unfortunately right behind that is more SNOW! GIVE ME A BREAK WITH THE FRIGGIN' SNOW! I am so sick of winter I want to slit my wrists. It won't be much snow, but it's snow none the less. *sigh*
Rusty and Blondie are doing great now that they have their car back all shiny and like new again. The wreck did some serious damage to the car, but now it's like having a new car! (especially since the body shop was so sweet and cleaned the inside of the car also! I actually saw the floor!) I know Blondie is looking forward to Spring Break which is coming soon. She is a poor college student, so she and her friends are going to park themselves down south at a friend's parents home and mooch off of them for the week. They are psyched to get out of town.
DQ... still pregnant. She's feeling it now. One month to go people! That little girl will be here soon. DQ is doing well other than being miserable (those with kids know what I'm talking about). Baby has moved down and DQ is doing some serious waddling now. We are all trying to get things together to make sure she has what she needs. After she delivers, she will probably spend a few weeks here with us while recovering. (really us girls here in town just want to hold the baby. hehehehe)
Dweeb's big gig is this Saturday at Callahan's Bar and Grill. I hope they are ready. They haven't been able to practice much due to illnesses and business trips, but I'm sure it will all fall into place I'm sure. I'm psyched for sure!!
And me. My life is with those babes and Jack. I can't really call them babes now. They will be two years old in a week! How does that happen? The triplets are little people. Jack will be 4 in three weeks! Just like my Texas Tornado who turned 4 a week ago. I have a break from this week. I do believe Baby Sis and her hubby have lost their minds. They took four kids under the age of 4 to DISNEYWORLD FOR A WEEK!!! They are nuts. Of course, not totally insane. They forced Lil Sis to go along and then coerced Chicago Sis and her hub that it would be fun if they joined them down there for vacation. Suckers. hahaha. I'm sure they are having a blast in the warm weather of Orlando, Florida. I don't know. I just keep thinking FOUR KIDS UNDER THE AGE OF FOUR AT DISNEYWORLD and I laugh.
Other than that, you know what I'm doing.... JAYHAWKS ARE ROCKING THE HOUSE PEOPLE!!! They are awesome right now! I've been watching college b ball getting ready for March Madness!